As you may have notice, you did not need to predefine the colors collection, this is automatically done when you insert an item using the save function. 您可能已经注意到,不需要预定义colors集合,当您使用存储功能插入一个条目时,文档将自动创建。
You will either apply conditional logic to render an h: dataTable backed by a collection of at least one item or display an informative message stating that no entities could be found. 第一种是应用条件逻辑呈现至少包含一项的集合所支持的h:dataTable,第二种是显示一条信息型消息,声明找不到任何实体。
Fundamentally, the for loop involves what is known as an iterator, which is used to move through the collection item by item. 本质上,for循环涉及到一个迭代器(iterator),用于在集合中逐项移动。
The index of the collection item at which to start the copying process. 集合项的索引,在此索引处开始进行复制。
However, with the passage of time, it was replaced by the wristwatch and became a collection item gradually. 然而,由于时代的变迁,手表的使用率远远超越了怀表。怀表变成了一种收藏物品,而并非使用品。
You are trying to access a collection item with an invalid index ( objects unit). 你正在尝试用一个有病的索引(物件单位)存取一个集合物件项目。
Products produced with tobacco as raw material, no matter which kind of auxiliary material is used, all come within the collection scope of this tax item. 凡是以烟叶为原料加工生产的产品,不论使用何种辅料,均属于本税目的征收范围。
A library catalog is a searchable collection of records of every item in a library. 图书馆目录是记录一座图书馆中的所有的项目的一种搜索收集。
Returns a collection of items that is derived from this item. 返回从此项派生的项的集合。
The collection class provides protected methods that can be used to customize its behavior when adding and removing items, clearing the collection, or setting the value of an existing item. collection类提供了受保护的方法,这些方法可用于在添加和移除项、清除集合或设置现有项的值时自定义该类的行为。
Collection/ Item Metadata Relationships Brick-and-mortar companies are working hard to create similarly rich date sources. 资源集合/个体资源元数据关系描述及实现实体公司努力收集相同的数据资源。
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection of items continues to the first or last item if the user continues past the end of the list. 获取或设置一个值,该值指示如果用户继续滚动时超过了列表的末尾,项的集合是否继续第一项或最后一项。
Returns the collection of smart tag item lists associated with a component. 返回与某个组件关联的智能标记项列表的集合。
It has been a debated issue for catalogers whether the collection item of academic textbooks should be catalogued in Series or in Notes. 教材系列图书信息是著录在丛编项还是著录在附注项,成为编目人员有争议的问题。
The following example shows how to divide an item collection into batches based on item metadata, and then filter those batches when they are passed into a task. 下面的示例演示如何根据项元数据将项集合划分为批,然后在将这些批传递到任务中时对它们进行筛选。
During report processing, as each report item is processed in turn, the fields collection associated with the current report item is bound to the underlying source data. 处理报表期间,由于每个报表项是轮流进行处理的,因此与当前报表项关联的fields集合绑定至基础源数据。
Within this class documentation, the term list refers to a data collection within the hosted data source, and item denotes a single element. 在此类文档中,术语“列表”表示寄宿数据源中的一个数据集合,“项”表示单个元素。
In this case, I introduced an error to the code generation handling a collection, adding an extra item to the stack in the body of the item unmarshalling loop. 在这个示例中,我在处理集合的代码生成中引入了一个错误,在项目反编排循环的循环体中,向堆栈添加了一个额外项目。
Gets the collection item at the specified location. 获取指定位置处的集合项。
Gets or sets the name of the item collection to which the item belongs. 获取或设置该项所属的项集合的名称。
For our purposes, hierarchical data is a collection of data where each item has a single parent and zero or more children ( with the exception of the root item, which has no parent). 从我们看来,分级数据是一个数据集合,每个数据项都有一个父数据项及零个或多个子数据项(根数据项例外,它没有父数据项)。
The list control construct is similar to a for-each loop: it iterates over a collection and for each item in the collection it renders its body. list控件的结构与for-each循环类似:它会遍历一个集合,对于集合中的每个项目,它都会进行渲染。
The fields collection requires at least one item. fields集合至少需要一项。
Rather, the element name is based on the item collection that contains the individual item. 相反,其元素名基于包含各个项的项集合。
Now that you have created a filtered attribute, assigned it to the security filters collection, and applied model item security, you can see the effects of these security settings immediately. 因为您已经创建了筛选属性并将其分配给“安全筛选器”集合,同时还应用了模型项安全性,所以您能够立即看到这些安全设置的效果。
"Diaoyutai President", prepared with cellar-stored spirit, makes a premium gift or a collection item. 钓鱼台总统酒特选窖藏老酒配酿,为尊贵馈赠和珍藏极品。
Method creates a new instance of the specified collection item type. 方法创建指定集合项类型的新实例。
Which is used to move through the collection item by item. 用于在集合中逐项移动。
On the basis of the preparation of Guangxi higher vocational students questionnaire preliminary table, collection of related information data. The questionnaire of item analysis, structure analysis, reliability and validity analysis and practical analysis. 在此基础上编制广西高职学生调查问卷初表,收集相关数据信息,对问卷表的进行项目分析、结构分析、信度和效度分析以及实用性分析,并最终形成正式的广西高职学生调查问卷表。
The actual total costs and unit costs of logistics cost object in all sectors of the logistics operation can be calculated by collection and distribution of logistics cost though activity cost item. 在此基础上,引入作业成本计算和分析方法,按作业成本项目,通过将四川烟草商业企业物流费用进行归集与分配,从而计算出各环节物流作业成本计算对象的实际总费用和单位费用。